Gathering for the pre-exercise briefing
Hawkesbury River
Enjoying the morning trip on the river
Packing up
Packing up all the gear at the end of a successful training day
Float and filter
Using a float and filter on the suction hose to obtain clean water
Using a pump
This pump draws in water on the left and pumps it out the top
Priming a pump
Pumps need to be primed before they can pump water
Filling the filler
Using a suction hose to fill the filler
Suction Pump
The suction pump is used to fill the filler, which can then fill tankers on the fire line
Rear of a tanker
There are many gauges, hoses, connections and pumps on a tanker
Portable pumps
Portable firefighting pumps on a tanker
Deploying the buoywall
Used to allow helicopters to pick up water
A breech in use
A controlled breech can be used to connect one or two hoses at once
Water flowing
Successful access to water
Inspecting the pit
Checking for signs of spiders, snakes, syringes etc
Obtaining water
We all practiced using the stand pipe
Water available
Using the stand pipe to access the underground hydrant
Hydrant located
The hydrant is clearly marked
Locating a hydrant
The sign tells us all we need to know