Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade

  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade
  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade
  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade
  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade
  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade
  • Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Support Brigade

Latest News

From time to time we will detail some of our activities on this page.

Oktoberfest at Kaiser Stub'n

Today 23 brigade members enjoyed a lovely lunch for "Oktoberfest" at Kaiser Stub'n Restaurant. This is the second year we have had a get together like this, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thanks to the Social Committee for organising this gathering.

Some Support Brigade members at Kaiser Stub'n Restaurant

Major Hazard Reduction burn at Mt Ku-ring-gai

Today a large Hazard Reduction burn took place in the area of Beaumont Road, Mt Ku-ring-gai. It was a joint activitity involving the Rural Fire Service, Fire and Rescue and National Parks, and Support Brigade members provided considerable support throughout the day in a variety of roles. These included Field Logistics, deliveries of meals, sourcing and delivery of equipment, transport of relief crews, assistance with traffic management and even transporting a few hikers who were unable to walk via their intended path.

One of the locals also came out to say hi.

Support crew working with a Sector Leader Getting close to one of the locals

Westleigh Hazard Reduction

Today a significant number of Support Brigade personnel were involved in assisting with a Hazard Reduction burn at the northern end of Westleigh.

Roles included deployment and management of the Buoywall for the helicopter to perform water bombing if required, supply of fuel for the helicopter, Field Logistics, delivery of meals, water and other supplies and a variety of smaller roles as needed.

Members enjoyed getting very close to the action at times.

Filling the buoywall Getting close to the helicopter


2016 Incident Management Exercise

Each year the district holds an event in which a simulated fire emergency is used to test the readiness of the region to respond to a major fire catastrophe. This year the exercise ran over two days, and involved in excess of 50 personnel at the Fire Control Centre, including over a dozen Support Brigade members, who largely performed important logistics roles.

The scenario involved a large fire impacting on multiple parts of the northern part of the shire, and resulted in evacuations and closure of major roads and the rail corridor.

After a tiring two days the organisers declared the event a success, and we are all now better prepared for the coming fire season.

2016 Annual Volunteer Thank You Dinner

Hornsby Shire Council is a great supporter of local volunteer firefighters, and every year in August a dinner is held for them to thank the volunteer firefighters in the region. This year the dinner was attended by every brigade in the district, with the Mayor on hand to personally thank the volunteers.

Over 30 members of Support Brigade were in attendance, and enjoyed the night enormously. We heartily thank Hornsby Shire for the kindness in putting on the dinner.

Hornsby Mayor Steve Russell Support Captain and members Support brigade members



Folk night

A group of Support Brigade members attended a packed Hornsby Folk Club tonight for an evening of entertainment and camaraderie.

A good time was had by all, and some commented that it will be something that we will need to do again!

Congratulations to Life Members

At tonight's general meeting, the honour of Life Membership was bestowed upon two of the longest serving members in our brigade.

Former Captain and founder of the brigade, Alan Barnwell, was presented with a certificate of Life Membership for his many years of leadership and hard work in the establishment and development of the brigade.

Dawn Henry, long time call out officer and "right hand man" to the captain, was also honoured for the enormous contribution she has made, and continues to make, in the day to day running of the brigade.

These are two very worthy recipients of this honour and the entire brigade congratulates them.

2016 Annual General Meeting Results

The Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Annual General Meeting was held this evening. Over 40 brigade members attended.

The following field officers and office bearers were elected for 2015-16:

 Field Officers                                Administration
 Captain  Ben de Leon    President  Bill Scott
 Senior Deputy   
 John Nelson    Vice President  Geoff Turnbull
 Deputy 2  Geoff Percival    Secretary  Andrew Smith
 Deputy 3  Alan Barnwell    Treasurer  Stephanie de Leon
 Deputy 4  John A'Beckett    Training Officer
 Geoff Percival
 Deputy 5  Phil Gallop    Assistant Training Officer  
 Phil Gallop
 Deputy 6  Chris Robison    Equipment Officer
 John Snook
 Deputy 7  Peter Brogan    Station Officer
 Rex Callaghan
 Deputy 8  Paul Browning    First Aid Officer
 Ian Griffith
 Deputy 9  Rex Callaghan    RFSA Delegate
 Dave Cordery
       Social Convenor
 Janice Turnbull
       Social Committee
 Sophie Hudecek, Keith Brown, Andrew Hordern

The Captain, Ben de Leon, presented the Captain's Encouragement Award for 2015-16 to Rex Callaghan.

The evening finished with supper.

2016 Combined Fire Boat exercise

An RFS crew from the Hills district pumps out a "sinking vessel" while Marine Rescue treats a "casualty"Saturday March 5th saw the annual regional fire boat exercise conducted on the Hawkesbury River. Around two dozen boats were involved, with crews from the Rural Fire Service, Marine Rescue, Roads & Maritime Service as well as private vessels and more being involved.

Support Brigade provided 21 members to assist with the running of the event, as well as assistance in the delivery of catering.

Events included a "Sinking Vessel", "Marina Fire",  "Ferry Fire", a pumping exercise to an escaped "Pile Burn", as well as a rescue on booby trapped house.

The perfect weather meant a good time was had by all, and a lot was learned on the day.

Quiet Summer - locally

Hazard Reduction burn, February 20Over the past Summer our region was blessed to be spared any major fires. Indeed, conditions were such that several Hazard Reduction burns were able to be completed throughout the region, with Support Brigade involved in all of them to some extent, ranging from meal deliveries through to being a part of the Incident Management Team through the provision of Field Logistics.

Other areas were not so fortunate. The NSW RFS deployed many crews to fires in Western Australia and Tasmania over a two month period (still ongoing in Tasmania), with Support Brigade providing a large number of trips to and from the airport, delivering outgoing crews and picking up returning crews.

Work was also done over the Summer to improve the region's ability to support aerial firefighting capabilities.


Donation received from Berowra Lions

Presentation of ChequeAt our monthly meeting tonight, our brigade was delighted to receive a donation of $1000 from the Lions club of Berowra. Two Lions members presented the cheque to Brigade Captain Ben.

We are extremely grateful to the Lions club of Berowra for their very generous donation which will help us continue to provide services to our local region.

October Hazard Reductions

Helicopter and bucketSupport Brigade crew members were involved in a number of Hazard Reduction burns across the weekend during the period October 9-11 2015.

Activities were many and varied, ranging from the delivery of meals to multiple locations, managing a Staging Area, supplying Field Logistics and assisting with the operation of an airbase (multiple helicopters were involved in the hazard reductions, for reconnaisance and water bombing).

The weekend showed a good cross section of the sort of support that our bridage is often called on to supply.

Aerial Water Bombing Exercise

Buoywall and HelicopterMembers of Support Brigade took part in a waterbombing exercise involving 3 helicopters and 3 fixed-wing aircraft from Friday August 7 through to Sunday August 9.

Working at Cowan Airbase, Support crew were primarily involved in the deployment and operation of the 18,000 litre buoywall which was used by helicopters to pick up water for targeted bombing runs.

Members also assisted with transportation, helicopter refuelling and road advisory signage.

Support Brigade is being increasingly asked to be involved in an aviation capacity, something which offers a large variety of potential roles.

2015 Mayoral Dinner

Around 30 Support Brigade members attended the annual Hornsby Shire Mayoral dinner on Friday July 31. All brigades from the region attended, which is held annually to thank brigades for their vountary service. Awards were presented to the brigades that had performed best in the annual brgade competitions held recently.

The night was enjoyed by all and our thanks go to Hornsby Shire Council for holding the dinner.

Support Brigade members Support Brigade members Support Brigade members Support Brigade members Support Brigade members 

District Exercise 2015

A significant number of the Support Brigade membership participated in the day-long annual district exercise today.

The event involves pretty much anything that the organisers may come up with on the day, and is designed to test all brigades' readiness for the approaching fire season.

Today Support Brigade was involved in all of the following and more:

  • Logistics and transport organisation
  • Delivery of meals, supplies and personnel
  • Quick response to requests on short notice
  • Management of the event staging area, including movement and control of fire vehicles and vehicles owned by the general public
  • Deployment of the buoywall and assistance with pumping and firefighting exercises
  • Radio communications
  • Inspection of fire vehicles

It was a long but thoroughly rewarding day.

April Training Day

Today's training session for the Brigade was based around Aviation management in the RFS. Around 15 members were given a broad overview of the operations of helipads and airbases, and the roles that members could be asked to carry out in future.

With our brigade increasingly taking on roles in Aviation management and support, this was an important and enjoyable day for those in attendance.


Hornsby Shire Weather

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